The Benefits Of Gutter Guards During Thunderstorm Season

The Benefits Of Gutter Guards During Thunderstorm Season

In La Crosse, Wisconsin, summer doesn’t just bring warmer weather; it also marks the beginning of thunderstorm season. With these storms comes a wave of rain and an increase in debris, which can wreak havoc on unprotected gutter systems. This blog post will explore the benefits of gutter guards and how they can be a game-changer for maintaining clean and efficient gutters, ensuring that they continue to protect your home from water damage.

Understanding Gutter Guards

Gutter guards are protective covers installed over the top of your gutters. Their primary function is to prevent leaves, twigs, and other debris from entering the gutters while allowing rainwater to drain through. They come in various styles and materials, including mesh screens, foam inserts, and surface-tension helmets, each designed to fit different types of gutters and roofing systems.

Protection Against Debris

During thunderstorms, strong winds can cause an increase in leaves, twigs, and even larger debris like branches to fall onto roofs and into gutters. When gutters become clogged, they can overflow, leading to a myriad of issues such as:

  • Water damage to siding, roofing, and the foundation of your home.
  • Landscaping erosion caused by water not being properly channeled away from your property.
  • The potential for stagnant water to pool in gutters, which can attract pests like mosquitoes.

Gutter guards help keep your gutters clear, ensuring that water flows freely and is directed away from your home effectively, even during heavy storms.

Reduced Maintenance

Without gutter guards, the increased debris during thunderstorm season can mean frequent trips up the ladder to clean out your gutters—a task that is not only time-consuming but also potentially dangerous. Gutter guards significantly reduce the need for regular cleaning by preventing debris accumulation. This not only saves you time and labor but also minimizes the risk associated with gutter cleaning.

Preventing Gutter Damage

Debris accumulation in gutters not only impedes water flow but can also cause physical damage to the gutters themselves. The extra weight of wet leaves and debris can cause gutters to sag, detach from the home, or even collapse. By keeping gutters clear, gutter guards help maintain the structural integrity of the gutter system, extending its lifespan and reducing the likelihood of costly repairs or replacements.

Enhancing Water Management Efficiency

Efficient water management is crucial, especially during heavy rainfalls that are typical of thunderstorm season. Gutter guards improve the flow of water through the gutter system, preventing overflows and ensuring that water is quickly and effectively diverted away from the home. This efficient management helps prevent water infiltration that can lead to basement flooding, foundation cracks, and mold growth inside the home.

Considerations For Installation

Choosing the right type of gutter guard is essential. Consider factors such as the types of debris commonly found around your property, the average rainfall your area receives, and the type of gutters you have. Professional installation is recommended to ensure that the guards are properly fitted and function as intended, without affecting the warranty of your existing roofing or gutter system.

The Ledegar Roofing Advantage

At Ledegar Roofing, we recognize the challenges that La Crosse homeowners face during thunderstorm season. Our expertise in roofing and gutter systems includes providing top-quality gutter guards to meet your home’s unique needs. With the Ledegar Advantage, you benefit from our commitment to excellence and our proactive approach to home protection.

Investing in gutter guards is not just about reducing maintenance; it’s about ensuring that your home remains safe and dry, even in the heaviest storms. Contact Ledegar Roofing to learn more about how gutter guards can benefit your home this thunderstorm season, and to schedule a consultation or installation. Call (608) 785-0901 today.

The Importance Of Downspouts For Homeowners

The Importance Of Downspouts For Homeowners

Downspouts are an integral component of a home’s roofing system, often overlooked yet vital for maintaining the structure and surrounding property. In La Crosse, Wisconsin, where weather patterns can be unpredictable and often severe, ensuring that your downspouts are properly installed and maintained can have a significant impact on your home’s longevity and safety. This blog post will explore why downspouts for homeowners are crucial for preserving foundation integrity and protecting landscaping, driveways, walkways, and basements against water damage. 

Foundation Integrity: The First Line Of Defense

The primary role of downspouts is to direct water away from your home’s foundation. Water that accumulates around the foundation can lead to several structural issues. It can cause hydrostatic pressure that may crack foundation walls, leading to costly repairs. During freeze-thaw cycles, trapped water can expand and cause further damage, compromising the structural integrity of the entire building.

Effective downspouts collect water from the gutters and channel it safely away from the foundation, ideally to an area that slopes away from the home. This simple yet crucial task prevents water from undermining the foundation, ensuring that the home remains stable and secure. Homeowners should regularly check that downspouts extend at least 5 to 10 feet away from the house to prevent any potential water infiltration. 

Landscaping Guardian: Preserving Your Green Investment

Landscaping can significantly enhance a home’s curb appeal and overall value, but without proper drainage, it can be susceptible to overwatering and erosion. Downspouts play a critical role in managing roof runoff and protecting the landscaping around your home. By directing water flow away from garden beds and grassy areas, downspouts help prevent soil erosion, plant death, and unsightly waterlogged patches.

Furthermore, strategically placed downspouts can be used to supplement garden watering systems, helping to conserve water. Homeowners can attach rain barrels to downspouts to collect runoff for garden use, demonstrating an environmentally responsible approach to landscaping that also lowers water bills.

Driveway & Walkway Protector: Shielding Your Pathways

The impact of water on concrete and asphalt surfaces can be highly destructive over time. Prolonged exposure to standing water can lead to cracks and potholes in driveways and walkways, which are not only unsightly but can also be dangerous for vehicles and pedestrians. Efficient downspouts ensure that these areas remain dry and intact.

Especially in climates like that of the Coulee Region, where winter conditions can be harsh, preventing water accumulation is crucial to avoid the formation of ice on driveways and walkways. This not only extends the lifespan of the pavement but also reduces the risk of slip-and-fall accidents around the property.

Basement’s Best Friend: Keeping The Lower Levels Dry

Basements are particularly vulnerable to moisture problems due to their below-ground location. Water seeping through cracks in the foundation can lead to damp conditions that are ideal for mold growth, which poses health risks and can be expensive to remediate.

By channeling water away from the home, downspouts reduce the risk of basement flooding and moisture damage. This is particularly important during heavy rainfalls or when snow begins to melt in the spring. Keeping the basement dry not only protects any possessions stored there but also preserves the overall healthiness of the home environment.


Downspouts are more than just simple pipes attached to your gutter system; they are a critical defense mechanism against water damage to your home’s foundation, landscaping, driveways, walkways, and basement. Ensuring that your downspouts are correctly installed and effectively maintained can save you from future headaches and costly repairs. Regular checks and cleaning of downspouts to remove blockages are simple steps that homeowners can take to protect their homes.

The Ledegar Roofing Advantage

At Ledegar Roofing, we understand the crucial role that downspouts play in home maintenance. We offer expert services to ensure that your entire roofing system, including downspouts, is functioning optimally to protect your home from water damage. Contact Us today for more information or to schedule an inspection. Ensure your home remains a safe, dry, and beautiful place for years to come.

Why Gutters Are Essential For Commercial Infrastructure

Why Gutters Are Essential For Commercial Infrastructure

When managing a commercial property, the integrity of every component plays a critical role in the overall health and longevity of your investment. While roofing often gets a spotlight for its importance in protecting buildings, the role of gutters is equally crucial yet sometimes overlooked. In La Crosse, Wisconsin, where weather conditions can range from heavy rainfalls in spring to snow in winter, having a reliable gutter system is indispensable for maintaining the structural integrity of commercial buildings. This blog post delves into why gutters are essential for commercial infrastructure, highlighting their critical role in directing water away from the foundation, preventing erosion, and avoiding water damage 

Protection Against Water Damage

The primary function of gutters is to collect and channel water off the roof and away from the building’s foundation. Without gutters, rainwater falls directly from the roof edge to the ground, where it can pool around the base of the building. Over time, this accumulated water can lead to several structural problems for commercial properties:

  1. Foundation Damage: Water that pools around the foundation can seep into any cracks or gaps in the concrete, expanding and contracting as temperatures change. This cycle can cause the foundation to crack and weaken, threatening the structural stability of the entire building.
  2. Basement Flooding: For buildings with below-ground spaces, improperly channeled roof water increases the risk of basement flooding. This not only disrupts business operations but can also lead to significant repair costs associated with water damage restoration.
  3. Landscape Erosion: Water dripping constantly from the roof can erode the soil around the building, disturbing landscaping and potentially damaging underground utilities. Erosion also creates an uneven foundation bed, which can contribute to foundation instability.

Preventing Siding And Exterior Damage

Gutters also protect the siding, windows, and doors of commercial buildings by preventing water from splashing dirt and debris against these surfaces. Over time, this splash-back can stain siding and accelerate the wear and tear on both windows and doors, leading to costly maintenance and replacements. Well-maintained gutters reduce these risks by ensuring that water flows directly into the gutter channel and down the downspouts without cascading over the sides.

Reducing Maintenance Costs

Installing and maintaining gutters may seem like an additional expense, but they are a cost-effective solution compared to the potential expenses associated with water damage. Gutters help keep commercial properties dry and free from water-related damages, reducing the frequency and cost of maintenance required over the building’s lifetime. This is particularly important for commercial property owners in La Crosse, WI, who need to prepare their buildings to handle the melting snow and ice in late winter and early spring, as well as sudden heavy rainfalls during other seasons.

Enhancing Building Longevity And Aesthetics

Beyond functionality, gutters also contribute to the overall aesthetic and operational longevity of commercial buildings. They help maintain the appearance of the building exterior by preventing unsightly water stains and damage. Additionally, modern gutter systems can be customized to complement the building’s design, enhancing its curb appeal—a significant factor in maintaining property value.

Compliance And Sustainability

Adhering to local building codes and regulations is another reason gutters are vital for commercial properties. Many areas require proper water disposal systems, including gutters, to prevent water damage to both the building in question and neighboring properties. Moreover, gutters support sustainability efforts by managing and directing water flow, which can be utilized for landscaping and other non-potable water uses, reducing the overall environmental impact. 


Gutters play an indispensable role in protecting commercial buildings from a variety of issues that can compromise their structural integrity and operational efficiency. For business owners in La Crosse, investing in high-quality gutter systems and ensuring their regular maintenance is not just a good practice—it’s an essential component of responsible property management. By doing so, they protect their investment, enhance the building’s functionality and aesthetics, and contribute to a safer and more sustainable operating environment.

The Ledegar Roofing Advantage

At Ledegar Roofing, we understand the critical importance of gutters for commercial infrastructure. We offer expert installation and maintenance services to ensure that your gutters are always performing at their best, protecting your property year-round. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you keep your commercial property in top condition.

The Importance Of Proper Gutter Maintenance To Avoid Water Damage

The Importance Of Proper Gutter Maintenance To Avoid Water Damage

As a homeowner in La Crosse County, you understand the importance of maintaining your property to ensure its longevity and structural integrity. While many aspects of home maintenance often take precedence, one area that should never be overlooked is your gutters. Proper gutter maintenance plays a crucial role in protecting your home against water damage, which can wreak havoc on your property if left unchecked. Luckily, Ledegar Roofing is here to help! Let’s go through the importance of maintaining your gutters and some essential tips to help you avoid costly water damage repairs.

Preventing Foundation Damage

Gutters play a vital role in directing rainwater away from your home’s foundation. When gutters are clogged or damaged, water can overflow and pool around the foundation, leading to cracks, shifting, and even structural damage over time. By keeping your gutters clean and well-maintained, you can prevent water from seeping into the soil around your foundation and protect the integrity of your home’s structure.

Avoiding Basement Flooding

Clogged gutters can also contribute to basement flooding, especially during heavy rainfall or snowmelt. When water is not properly diverted away from your home, it can seep into the soil and find its way into your basement through cracks or gaps in the foundation. Regular gutter maintenance can help prevent this by ensuring that water is effectively channeled away from your home, reducing the risk of basement flooding and water damage.

Preserving Siding and Exterior Walls

Overflowing gutters can also damage your home’s siding and exterior walls. When water spills over the edges of clogged gutters, it can saturate the siding and cause it to warp, rot, or develop mold and mildew. Over time, this can compromise the structural integrity of your home’s exterior and lead to costly repairs. By keeping your gutters clean and free of debris, you can protect your siding and exterior walls from water damage and extend their lifespan.

Preventing Roof Damage

Clogged gutters can also pose a threat to your roof. When water is unable to flow freely through the gutters, it can accumulate on the roof and cause damage to the shingles, underlayment, and roof decking. This can lead to leaks, rot, and even structural damage if left untreated. Regular gutter maintenance is essential for ensuring that water is properly diverted away from your roof, protecting it from water damage and extending its lifespan.

Maintaining Landscaping

In addition to protecting your home’s structure, proper gutter maintenance can also help preserve your landscaping. When water overflows from clogged gutters, it can erode soil, damage plants, and create unsightly puddles in your yard. By keeping your gutters clean and free-flowing, you can prevent water from damaging your landscaping and maintain the beauty and integrity of your outdoor spaces.

Keep Your Gutters Keeped With Ledegar Roofing

In conclusion, proper gutter maintenance is essential for protecting your home against water damage. By keeping your gutters clean and well-maintained, you can prevent foundation damage, basement flooding, siding and exterior wall damage, roof damage, and landscaping erosion. If you’re in the La Crosse, Wisconsin area and unsure how to properly maintain your gutters or suspect that they may be in need of repair, don’t hesitate to contact us at Ledegar Roofing.

A home is where memories are created, where families grow, and dreams are nurtured. Every homeowner deserves peace of mind that their abode is protected from potential damages. With a robust gutter system from Ledegar Roofing, you not only shield your home but also enhance its longevity. Call 608-785-0901 for more insights, advice, or to request a FREE estimate. Let your home’s silent guardian be crafted by the best in the business.

Preparing Your Roof & Gutters For Spring Thaw

Preparing Your Roof & Gutters For Spring Thaw

As the grip of winter loosens and the promise of spring emerges in La Crosse, Wisconsin, it’s time to turn your attention to an often-overlooked aspect of home maintenance: preparing your roof and gutters for the spring thaw. At Ledegar Roofing, we understand the pivotal role your roof and gutter system play in protecting your home. This comprehensive guide is designed to walk you through the crucial steps of preparing your roof and gutters for the spring thaw, ensuring they continue to function optimally and safeguard your home.

Understanding the Impact of Spring Thaw on Your Roof and Gutters

The transition from winter to spring brings a significant change in weather conditions, impacting your roof and gutters. The thawing of snow and ice can lead to increased water flow, which, if not properly managed, can cause water damage, leaks, and compromise the structural integrity of your home.

Step-by-Step Guide to Prepare Your Roof and Gutters

1. Conduct a Thorough Roof Inspection

Start with a Visual Check

  • Look for signs of damage, such as missing, cracked, or curled shingles.
  • Inspect for loose or damaged flashing around chimneys, vents, and skylights.
  • Check for sagging areas or signs of water damage on the roof.

Professional Inspection

  • Consider a professional roof inspection for a comprehensive assessment. Experts from Ledegar Roofing can identify issues that may not be visible from the ground and offer repair solutions.

2. Clean and Repair Your Gutters

Clear Debris

  • Remove leaves, twigs, and any buildup from the gutters. Clogged gutters can lead to water overflow, causing damage to your roof and home’s foundation.

Inspect for Damage

  • Look for cracks, holes, or rust in metal gutters.
  • Ensure gutters are securely attached to the house. Tighten or replace loose gutter spikes.

Check Downspouts

  • Ensure downspouts are free from obstructions and direct water away from the foundation of your house.

3. Repair Any Identified Roof Damage

  • Address issues such as missing shingles, sealing leaks, and repairing damaged flashing. Prompt repairs can prevent minor problems from becoming major issues.

4. Assess and Upgrade Insulation and Ventilation

  • Proper attic insulation and ventilation are crucial in preventing ice dams and maintaining a uniform roof temperature.
  • Inspect your attic insulation and consider upgrading if necessary.
  • Ensure attic vents are clear and functioning correctly.

5. Address Moss and Algae Growth

  • Winter moisture can lead to the growth of moss and algae on your roof.
  • Consult with professionals for safe and effective cleaning methods that won’t damage your roofing materials.

6. Prepare for Potential Spring Rains

  • Ensure your gutter system is ready to handle spring rains. Consider installing gutter guards to prevent debris from clogging your gutters.

7. Plan for Regular Maintenance

  • Regular roof and gutter maintenance is key to extending their lifespan and preventing costly repairs.

Why Professional Maintenance Matters

Expertise and Experience

Professionals have the expertise and experience to identify and address roofing and gutter issues effectively.


Roof and gutter maintenance can be hazardous. Professional roofing contractors have the necessary equipment and safety training to perform the job safely.

Quality Repairs and Advice

Expert roofing contractors can provide high-quality repairs and advise on preventive measures to protect your roof and gutters.

The Ledegar Roofing Advantage

At Ledegar Roofing, we offer comprehensive roof and gutter maintenance services tailored to the unique challenges of the Coulee Region’s climate. Our experienced team ensures that every aspect of your roof and gutter system is prepared for the spring thaw. From routine maintenance to complex repairs, we provide solutions that enhance the longevity and performance of your roofing system.

Preparing your roof and gutters for the spring thaw is crucial in maintaining the health and safety of your home. By following these steps and seeking professional assistance, you can ensure that your roof and gutters are in optimal condition to handle the changing seasons.

For expert roofing and gutter services in La Crosse, Wisconsin, trust Ledegar Roofing. Our commitment to quality, safety, and customer satisfaction makes us the go-to choice for homeowners. Contact us at 608-785-0901 or request a FREE inspection online. Let us help you get your roof and gutters spring-ready and keep your home protected year-round.

Gutter Health: Tackling Winter Thaw-Freeze Challenges

Gutter Health: Tackling Winter Thaw-Freeze Challenges

In the picturesque city of La Crosse, Wisconsin, and the surrounding area, homeowners are no strangers to the challenges posed by the winter thaw and freeze cycles. These cycles can take a toll on one of the most crucial yet often overlooked aspects of your home: the gutters. At Ledegar Roofing, we emphasize the importance of gutter health, especially during the harsh Wisconsin winters. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the impacts of winter thaw and freeze cycles on gutters and provide expert strategies to ensure their longevity and functionality.

Understanding the Freeze-Thaw Cycle

The freeze-thaw cycle is a common winter phenomenon in the Coulee Region. It begins when snow and ice melt during warmer periods, causing water to flow into gutters and downspouts. As temperatures drop, this water refreezes, expanding and potentially causing damage. This cycle can wreak havoc on gutters, leading to a range of issues.

The Impact on Gutters

Expansion and Contraction

The most immediate effect of the freeze-thaw cycle is the physical expansion and contraction of water. When water in the gutter system freezes, it expands, potentially warping or cracking the gutter material. This damage can compromise the gutter’s ability to channel water effectively.

Ice Dam Formation

Gutters are a common site for ice dam formation. Ice dams occur when ice builds up in the gutter, preventing proper drainage. The backed-up water can then seep under the roof shingles, causing leaks and water damage to the interior of your home.

Weight Strain

Accumulated ice in gutters adds significant weight, putting a strain on the gutter brackets and the roof structure. Over time, this can lead to the gutter pulling away from the roof or, in extreme cases, collapsing.

Blocked Downspouts

Frozen water can also block downspouts, preventing melted snow from draining away from the house. This can lead to overflow, foundation damage, and basement flooding.

Proactive Measures for Gutter Health

Maintaining gutter health during winter requires proactive measures. Here are essential steps to combat the challenges of the winter thaw and freeze cycles:

Regular Cleaning

Ensure your gutters are clean before the onset of winter. Remove leaves, twigs, and debris that can obstruct water flow. Clogged gutters exacerbate freeze-thaw damage.

Proper Insulation and Ventilation

Proper attic insulation and ventilation can reduce the chances of ice dam formation. Keeping the attic cool minimizes the amount of melting snow that reaches the gutters.

Gutter Guards Installation

Gutter guards can prevent debris accumulation, reducing the likelihood of clogs and ensuring smoother water flow.

Gutter Maintenance Checks

Regularly inspect gutters for signs of wear and tear, such as cracks, rust, or sagging. Early detection and repair can prevent more significant issues during winter.

Downspout Extension

Extend downspouts away from your home’s foundation. This helps in diverting water away from the house, reducing the risk of foundation damage and basement flooding.

Heated Gutter Systems

Consider installing heated gutter systems or heat tape. These systems can prevent ice formation in your gutters and downspouts.

The Ledegar Roofing Advantage

At Ledegar Roofing, we offer comprehensive gutter services, including inspection, maintenance, and repair. Our expertise in dealing with the unique challenges of La Crosse winters makes us your ideal partner in ensuring gutter health. Here’s what we bring to the table:

Expertise and Experience

Our team is well-versed in the intricacies of gutter maintenance and the specific challenges posed by La Crosse’s climate. We use this expertise to provide tailored solutions for your home.

Quality Materials and Installation

We use high-quality materials and ensure proper installation, significantly reducing the risk of freeze-thaw damage.

Customized Solutions

Every home is unique, and so are its gutter needs. We offer customized solutions, including gutter guards and heated systems, tailored to your specific requirements.

Preventive Maintenance and Repairs

Regular maintenance is key to gutter health. We provide thorough inspections and necessary repairs to keep your gutters in top condition.

Gutters play a pivotal role in protecting your home from water damage, particularly during the challenging winter months in La Crosse, Wisconsin. Understanding the impact of the freeze-thaw cycle and taking proactive steps are crucial in maintaining gutter health. With Ledegar Roofing’s expert services, you can ensure that your gutters are well-prepared to withstand the winter conditions.

Don’t wait for the thaw to reveal underlying issues. Take action now to protect your gutters and, consequently, your home. Contact Ledegar Roofing today!