Navigating Weather-Related Roof Repairs With Insurance

Navigating Weather-Related Roof Repairs With Insurance

We’ve all heard the saying, “A roof over one’s head,” and it truly encapsulates the essence of safety and security. In the La Crosse, Wisconsin area, mother nature sometimes shows her unpredictable side, from gusty winds to hailstorms, and these elements can put that roof to the test. If your home has fallen victim to such weather conditions, it’s imperative to understand the process of roof repairs and replacement, especially when it involves an insurance claim. At Ledegar Roofing, our expertise as professional roofers and in-depth knowledge of insurance adjustments help us guide you through this often complex journey.

Initial Assessment

Step 1: As soon as you notice damage to your roof, document it. Take pictures, make notes of when the weather event occurred, and any immediate damages you observe.

Step 2: Contact Ledegar Roofing for a professional inspection. We will schedule a time to come to your home, provide a comprehensive assessment of the damage, and suggest whether a repair or a full replacement is needed. It’s important to do this ASAP since our schedule will be filling up quickly.

Filing Your Insurance Claim

Step 3: Once you’ve compiled your documentation and scheduled an appointment with Ledegar Roofing, reach out to your insurance company to file a claim. It’s essential to do this promptly after noticing the damage. If desired, we can assist you with filing the claim to ensure you’re properly disclosing the needed information to the claims department. This may include roofing composition, roof pitch, date of loss, what’s affected, etc.

Step 4: The insurance company will send their adjuster for an inspection. At Ledegar Roofing, we recommend our clients have one of our specialists present during this visit to ensure that all damages are identified and adequately represented. We don’t have to be there, but it’s nice to have a local roofing expert on your side when working with the adjuster.

Reviewing The Claim

Step 5: After the inspection, your insurance adjuster will provide an estimate of the covered repairs. It’s crucial to review this estimate in detail with Ledegar Roofing. With our knowledge in both roofing and insurance adjustments, we can help verify that all costs are accounted for and that you receive a fair assessment.

Finalizing The Claim

Step 6: Once the claim amount is agreed upon, you’ll receive a payment from your insurance company. This might be a single payment upfront, or an initial payment followed by a recoverable depreciation once the job is completed.

Repairing Or Replacing Your Roof

Step 7: With finances in place, Ledegar Roofing will begin the roof repair and replacement. Rest assured, our team uses top-of-the-line materials and employs experienced craftsmen, ensuring your new roof stands strong against future weather challenges. You are involved throughout the process to ensure you’re getting the color and materials of your choice, and that will be covered by insurance.

Step 8: Upon completion, we’ll walk you through the finished work, ensuring everything meets your expectations and our standards of excellence. We’ll also guide you in any additional documentation needed to recover any withheld depreciation from your insurance.

Final Documentation

Step 9: Submit all final invoices and warranties to your insurance company if necessary. This step is crucial if you have recoverable depreciation or supplemental claims pending.

Weather-related roof damage can be a daunting experience for homeowners. However, with a clear understanding of the process and having seasoned professionals like Ledegar Roofing by your side, you can navigate insurance claims efficiently and restore the safety and aesthetics of your home.

At Ledegar Roofing, we’re not just committed to excellent roofing solutions; we’re dedicated to guiding, informing, and ensuring peace of mind for our clients in La Crosse, Wisconsin, and the surrounding communities. For any roofing or insurance claim related queries, reach out, and let our expertise pave the way for a smooth restoration journey. Call us at 608-785-0901 or fill out the form on our Contact Page.

The Dos And Don’ts Of Chimney Maintenance

The Dos And Don’ts Of Chimney Maintenance

The allure of a roaring fireplace during a chilly Wisconsin evening is unmatched. That comforting aroma, the warmth that spreads throughout the room, and the hypnotic dance of the flames all make for a delightful experience. However, just as we enjoy these moments, it’s equally crucial to ensure the safety of our homes and families by maintaining that very chimney providing us this joy.

Chimney maintenance might seem mundane, but it plays a pivotal role in preserving the safety and efficiency of your fireplace. At Ledegar Roofing in La Crosse, Wisconsin, we know chimneys inside and out. Let’s delve into some essential dos and don’ts for homeowners.

The Dos Of Chimney Cleaning And Maintenance

  1. Do Schedule Regular Inspections: A good rule of thumb is to have your chimney inspected annually. Even if you use your fireplace minimally, animals may nest in the flue, or there may be other obstructions or damages that you’re unaware of.
  2. Do Clean Your Chimney Annually: Depending on usage, soot, creosote (a flammable by-product of burning wood), and other debris will accumulate in your chimney. This not only impacts the efficiency of your fireplace but poses a significant fire risk.
  3. Do Opt for Professional Cleaning: Expert chimney cleaners, like our team at Ledegar Roofing, have the equipment, expertise, and experience to conduct a thorough cleaning, ensuring your chimney functions efficiently and safely.
  4. Do Install a Chimney Cap: This prevents wildlife, rain, and debris from entering your chimney. A cap equipped with wire mesh sides will also prevent embers from escaping and landing on your roof.
  5. Do Burn Seasoned Hardwood: Hardwoods like oak, maple, or ash, which have been dried for at least six months, burn hotter and cleaner. This reduces the buildup of creosote compared to unseasoned or soft woods.

The Don’ts Of Chimney Cleaning And Maintenance

  1. Don’t Assume Your Chimney is Problem-Free: Just because smoke is wafting up your chimney doesn’t mean everything is functioning perfectly. Invisible issues might be lurking, from creosote buildup to tiny cracks that can lead to significant problems down the line.
  2. Don’t Skimp on Professional Services: While DIY is the buzzword for many homeowners, your chimney isn’t the place to cut corners. Professional chimney cleaners like Ledegar Roofing ensure the job is done right, protecting both your home’s structure and the health of your family.
  3. Don’t Burn Green Wood or Trash: Green or unseasoned wood produces more creosote when burned. Trash, especially plastics, release toxic chemicals that can corrode your chimney and are harmful to inhale.
  4. Don’t Ignore Signs of Trouble: A reduced draft, smoke entering your home, an accumulation of soot in the fireplace, or a strong, unpleasant odor are all red flags. If you notice any of these, it’s time to call in the experts.
  5. Don’t Forget the Exterior: The portion of your chimney that extends above your roof is exposed to the elements. Periodically check for cracks, missing mortar, or loose bricks. These are signs that your chimney needs attention.

The Importance Of Expert Chimney Cleaners

Attempting to clean and maintain a chimney without the proper knowledge can lead to overlooked issues or even exacerbate existing problems. Further, without the right equipment, reaching every nook and cranny of your chimney is nearly impossible.

Expert chimney cleaners, like our seasoned team at Ledegar Roofing, bring a wealth of knowledge to the table. From identifying early signs of damage to ensuring a comprehensive cleaning, their role is paramount in preserving the lifespan of your chimney and the safety of your home.

Additionally, professionals can provide invaluable advice tailored to your specific fireplace and chimney type, ensuring maximum efficiency and safety.


In the grand scheme of homeownership, chimney maintenance is a small yet vital aspect. The very element that brings warmth and coziness to your home can become a hazard if not adequately maintained. By following these dos and don’ts and partnering with expert chimney cleaners, you safeguard your home and, most importantly, your loved ones.

At Ledegar Roofing, La Crosse, we pride ourselves on offering top-notch chimney cleaning and maintenance services. Our commitment isn’t just about ensuring a clean chimney; it’s about delivering peace of mind. Trust in our expertise and let us help you keep the home fires burning safely. Let us do the dirty work. Call 608-785-0901 or contact us for free estimate.

Pre-Winter Roof Inspections: A Stitch In Time With Ledegar Roofing

Pre-Winter Roof Inspections: A Stitch In Time With Ledegar Roofing

The crisp air, golden leaves, and shorter days signal that winter is just around the corner. While many in La Crosse, Wisconsin, prepare for the upcoming holiday season, there’s a crucial task homeowners shouldn’t overlook: a pre-winter roof inspection. At Ledegar Roofing, we can’t stress enough the importance of getting your roof inspected before the snow blankets your home. Here’s why and what you can expect with a pre-winter roof inspection.

The Importance of a Pre-Winter Roof Inspection

Avoiding Costly Repairs

Small issues, if overlooked, can escalate into significant damage during winter. For instance, minor leaks can become major problems when ice dams form. A fall inspection identifies and rectifies these issues, saving you from exorbitant repair costs.

Extending Your Roof’s Lifespan

Routine inspections ensure minor damages are caught and repaired early, prolonging your roof’s overall lifespan. This preventive measure can save you the cost and hassle of premature roof replacement.

Ensuring Home Insulation

Wisconsin winters are chilly. Any gaps, missing shingles, or minor leaks can jeopardize your home’s insulation. An inspection ensures that your roof is airtight, keeping your home cozy and your heating bills down.

Preventing Interior Damage

Leaks unnoticed in the fall can lead to water damage in your home during winter. This can affect your ceilings, walls, and even the foundation. An inspection safeguards your interiors from such potential damages.

Peace of Mind

Knowing your roof is prepared to withstand winter’s rigors offers invaluable peace of mind. You can enjoy the snowfall without fretting about potential roof damages.

What to Expect During an Inspection with Ledegar Roofing

Comprehensive Roof Examination

Our expert team will check for damaged or missing shingles, signs of leaks, and examine flashings around chimneys and vents. We’ll also check the state of your gutters to ensure they’re prepared for snow and ice.

Interior Inspection

Sometimes, roof problems manifest inside. Our team will inspect your attic for proper insulation, ventilation, and signs of moisture or mold.

Detailed Report

Post-inspection, we provide a comprehensive report detailing our findings. This includes potential problem areas, photographs, and recommended solutions.

Expert Consultation

We believe in empowering homeowners with information. Our team will discuss the findings with you, offering recommendations and answering any queries you might have.

Prompt Repairs

If our inspection unveils issues that need addressing, our adept team is prepared to undertake repairs promptly. We understand the importance of timeliness, especially with winter approaching.

Get Your Pre-Winter Roof Inspection Today!

As the adage goes, “A stitch in time saves nine.” Nowhere is this more relevant than with roof maintenance. A preemptive roof inspection in the fall can save homeowners in La Crosse, Wisconsin, a plethora of problems, costs, and headaches during winter.

At Ledegar Roofing, we’ve seen firsthand the difference regular inspections make. Let our experienced team ensure your roof is winter-ready, providing your home the protection it deserves.

Ready to winter-proof your home? Visit our website or give us a call at 608-785-0901 to learn more and schedule your FREE, no-obligation roof inspection. Let’s face the winter with confidence, knowing your roof is in its best shape.

Give Your Home A Facelift: Siding Replacement With Ledegar Roofing

Give Your Home A Facelift: Siding Replacement With Ledegar Roofing

When it comes to home renovations, roofing often steals the spotlight, given its prominence and protective role. However, siding – a home’s protective shield and aesthetic curtain – plays a paramount role in preserving the home’s value and appearance. At Ledegar Roofing, based in La Crosse, Wisconsin, we know that your home is more than just a structure; it’s a reflection of your personal style and a protective haven for your loved ones.

If you’ve been considering replacing your siding after a storm or just yearning for a fresh home look, you’re in the right place. Here’s how Ledegar Roofing can turn your siding vision into reality.

Signs Your Siding Needs a Replacement

Before we delve into how we can assist, it’s essential to identify when your siding needs a replacement:

  • Visible Damage: Cracks, holes, or bulges are clear indications that your siding has seen better days.
  • Frequent Repainting: If you find yourself repainting your house more often than usual, it could be a sign that your siding is deteriorating.
  • Water Damage: Peeling paint or loose wallpaper inside your home might be a result of faulty siding.
  • Higher Energy Bills: If your heating or cooling costs have suddenly spiked, compromised siding could be the culprit.

Why Choose Ledegar Roofing for Siding Replacement?

Expert Consultation

Your home’s exterior tells a story. Perhaps it’s a tale of historic charm, contemporary elegance, or rustic allure. Whatever the narrative, our team at Ledegar Roofing starts the siding replacement process with a thorough consultation. We understand your aesthetic preferences, evaluate your home’s architecture, and recommend siding materials and colors that complement your vision.

Comprehensive Damage Assessment

Especially after a storm, it’s crucial to ascertain the extent of damage. Our team will conduct a meticulous inspection, ensuring no underlying issues are missed. This assessment not only aids in determining the siding replacement’s scope but also helps in addressing potential structural concerns.

Quality Materials

From vinyl and wood to metal and fiber cement, the choices for siding materials are vast. At Ledegar Roofing, we believe in using only the highest quality materials, ensuring longevity, optimal protection, and aesthetic appeal. We’ll guide you through the pros and cons of each, making sure you make an informed decision that suits your home and budget.

Precision Installation

A siding material’s quality can only truly shine if installed correctly. Our team of skilled professionals boasts years of experience and profound expertise, ensuring your siding is installed with precision. This attention to detail guarantees optimal performance, weather resistance, and a flawless finish.

Post-Installation Care

Our relationship doesn’t end post-installation. We’re committed to ensuring you’re satisfied with the results and are always on hand for any post-installation care or queries.

The Benefits of New Siding

Enhanced Curb Appeal

A fresh set of siding can drastically transform the look of your home, making it stand out in the neighborhood. Whether you’re looking to sell or just want to come home to a beautiful abode every day, new siding is the way to go.

Improved Energy Efficiency

Quality siding acts as an insulation layer for your home, keeping it warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer. This not only makes your home more comfortable but also translates into significant savings on energy bills.

Increased Home Value

A well-maintained exterior, particularly with quality siding, can significantly boost your home’s market value. It’s an investment that pays off, whether you’re looking to sell soon or maintain your property’s value for the future.

Protection Against Elements

From fierce storms to intense sun, your siding shields your home against various elements. New siding ensures optimal protection, keeping your home and its inhabitants safe.

Ready For A Siding Replacement?

Your home deserves the best, and at Ledegar Roofing, we’re committed to delivering just that. Whether you’re recovering from storm damage or just craving a fresh facelift for your home, our team is ready to transform your home’s exterior into a thing of beauty.

Ready to give your home the makeover it deserves? To learn more about our siding replacement services or to request a FREE inspection, call us at 608-785-0901. Let’s craft a beautiful story for your home, together.

Unsung Heroes: Gutter Replacements With Ledegar Roofing

Unsung Heroes: Gutter Replacements With Ledegar Roofing

Amid the majesty of your home’s structure, the humbly vital gutter system often goes unnoticed – until, of course, it starts showing signs of trouble. Based in La Crosse, Wisconsin, Ledegar Roofing understands the intricacies of a robust gutter system. We’re here to shed light on its significance, telltale signs of malfunction, and why we’re your ultimate choice for gutter replacements.

Why Gutters Are Essential

Your home’s gutters are more than just metal channels affixed to its edges. They play a pivotal role in:

  • Protecting your foundation: Gutters channel rainwater away from the foundation, preventing erosion and costly foundation damage.
  • Preserving your landscape: Without gutters, the onslaught of rainwater can ruin your plants and erode the soil.
  • Avoiding basement flooding: A sound gutter system prevents water from pooling around your home, which can lead to basement flooding.
  • Protecting siding and paint: By preventing water spillage, gutters safeguard your home’s siding and paint from water damage and stains.

Signs Your Gutters Need Replacing

  • Frequent Clogs and Overflows: If your gutters are always clogged or spilling water even after cleaning, they might need a replacement.
  • Visible Sagging or Separation: Gutters should be straight and tight against the house. Sagging or pulling away indicates they’re full of water and possibly damaged.
  • Cracks and Rust: Small cracks might be fixable, but larger ones, or numerous small ones, necessitate a replacement.
  • Water Marks or Damage Beneath the Gutters: This suggests that the gutter system isn’t doing its job of channeling water away.
  • Eroded Landscape: If you notice soil erosion around your home after rain, it’s a sign of gutter malfunction.

Why Choose Ledegar Roofing For Gutter Replacement?

Comprehensive Inspection

Before recommending a gutter replacement, our team conducts a thorough inspection, ensuring that replacement is the best solution. We look for damage, wear, and areas of concern.

Expert Recommendations

The world of gutters isn’t one-size-fits-all. From size to material to style, many choices cater to different requirements and budgets. At Ledegar Roofing, we guide you through these choices, ensuring you pick what’s best for your home.

Quality Installation

A gutter system’s efficacy is contingent on its installation. Our experienced team ensures that your gutters are pitched correctly for optimal water flow and are securely attached to withstand Wisconsin’s weather challenges.

Maintenance Tips

Post-installation, we aren’t just going to leave you high and dry. We’ll provide you with maintenance tips to keep your gutters in top shape, ensuring longevity and efficiency.

Benefits Of A New Gutter System

Increased Home Value

A functioning gutter system can significantly enhance your property’s value. Prospective buyers often look for homes with sound structures, and a robust gutter system signals a well-maintained property.

Aesthetic Appeal

New gutters can revitalize your home’s appearance. With various styles and materials available, they can add a touch of elegance to your home’s exteriors.

Prevention Of Costly Repairs

With a new and efficient gutter system, you can avoid expenses related to foundation repairs, basement flooding, and landscape damages.

Peace Of Mind

Knowing that your home is protected from potential water damage offers peace of mind. With new gutters, you can rest assured, come rain or shine.

Need An Inspection?

At Ledegar Roofing, our business revolves around offering top-notch services, ensuring our community members in the La Crosse, Wisconsin area enjoy safe and beautiful homes. Gutters might be unsung heroes, but in our eyes, they’re pivotal to a home’s health.

Ready to ensure your home is safeguarded with the best gutter system? Dive deeper into our offerings by giving us a ring at 608-785-0901 for more information and a free inspection. Your home deserves the best, and we’re here to deliver just that.