Choosing Between Roof Repair And Replacement

Choosing Between Roof Repair And Replacement

For many homeowners, deciding whether to repair or replace a roof can be a daunting task. It involves assessing various factors, from the extent of damage and the age of the roof to financial considerations and long-term benefits. In La Crosse County and surrounding areas, where weather conditions can be harsh and unpredictable, making the right decision is even more critical to ensure your home remains safe and well-protected. This blog post aims to provide you with comprehensive guidelines to help you make an informed decision between roof repair and replacement.

Understanding The Extent Of Damage

The first step in deciding between repair and replacement is to accurately assess the damage. Minor issues such as a few missing shingles or a small leak can typically be fixed with simple repairs. However, more extensive damage like large leaks, numerous missing shingles, or significant water damage to the decking might require a full roof replacement.

Visual Inspections: Start with a visual inspection both inside and outside your home. Look for signs such as:

  • Water stains on ceilings or walls
  • Visible light through the roof
  • Sagging areas on the roof
  • Significant shingle damage or loss

Professional Assessment: For a more accurate assessment, consider hiring a professional roofing contractor. They can offer a detailed inspection and identify issues that may not be visible to the untrained eye.

Considering The Age Of Your Roof

The age of your roof plays a crucial role in deciding whether to repair or replace. Most roofs have a lifespan depending on the material used:

  • Asphalt shingles: 15-30 years
  • Metal roofs: 40-70 years
  • Tile roofs: 50-100 years

If your roof is nearing the end of its expected lifespan, replacement might be a more cost-effective solution in the long run. Repairing a roof that is already old and worn out can lead to more frequent repairs in the future, adding to your total expenditure.

Financial Considerations

Cost of Repair vs. Replacement: Evaluate the cost differences between repairing your roof and replacing it entirely. While repairs generally cost less upfront, repeated fixes can accumulate over time, potentially surpassing the initial cost of a replacement.

Insurance and Warranties: Check your homeowner’s insurance to see if roof damage is covered under your policy and to what extent. Additionally, new roofs often come with warranties that provide added peace of mind and protection for your investment.

Long-term Savings: Consider the energy efficiency improvements and maintenance savings that a new roof might offer. Modern roofing materials are designed to be more energy-efficient, which can help reduce your heating and cooling costs.

Lifestyle And Future Plans

Your current lifestyle and future plans should also influence your decision:

  • If you plan to sell your home soon, a new roof could enhance its marketability and increase its resale value.
  • If you intend to stay in your home for many years, replacing an aging roof might be more beneficial to ensure safety and comfort.

Making The Decision

After considering all these factors, the decision should become clearer. If financial constraints are an issue but your roof’s structural integrity is compromised, financing options or payment plans offered by roofing companies might be worth exploring.


Deciding whether to repair or replace your roof involves careful consideration of the damage extent, roof age, cost implications, and your long-term plans. For homeowners in Onalaska, Wisconsin, facing the region’s challenging weather, ensuring that your roof is in optimal condition is crucial.

The Ledegar Roofing Advantage

If you’re still uncertain about the best course of action, consulting with experienced professionals like Ledegar Roofing can provide clarity and guidance. Our experts are equipped to assess your roof’s condition thoroughly and recommend the most appropriate, cost-effective solution tailored to your needs. Contact Ledegar Roofing today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards ensuring your roof continues to protect your home effectively, regardless of what the weather brings.

The Signs of Damaged Soffit And Fascia And What to Do

The Signs of Damaged Soffit And Fascia And What to Do

For homeowners, understanding the important role that soffit and fascia play in maintaining the structural integrity of your roof and the overall health of your home is vital. These components are crucial for ventilation and protecting the edges of your roof from weather damage, yet they are often overlooked until significant issues arise. In this post, we’ll explore how to identify signs of damaged soffit and fascia, along with actionable steps homeowners in the Coulee Region, can take to address these issues effectively.

Understanding Soffit and Fascia

Before delving into the signs of damage, it’s important to understand what soffit and fascia are and why they are crucial for your home:

  • Fascia is the visible, vertical finishing edge connected to the ends of the rafters, trusses, or the area where the gutter attaches to the roof. It acts as a layer between the outdoors and your roof edge, protecting the wooden board against water damage.
  • Soffit is found on the underside of the fascia and extends from the side of the structure to the edge of the eave. It plays a vital role in ventilating the attic and protecting the rafters from weather elements, particularly moisture.

Signs of Damaged Soffit and Fascia

  1. Peeling Paint or Water Stains – One of the earliest signs of trouble may appear as peeling paint or water stains on the fascia and soffit. This usually indicates that water is penetrating through and damaging the material, often due to a malfunctioning gutter or roofing system.
  2. Visible Cracks and Flaking – Over time, the wear and tear of harsh weather conditions, including the freezing winters and humid summers in La Crosse, Wisconsin, can lead to visible cracks and flaking in the paint or the material itself. This deterioration can expose the underlying wood to further damage, making quick repairs essential.
  3. Evidence of Rot or Mold – Soft spots or discoloration can suggest the presence of rot or mold. Wooden soffits and fascias are particularly susceptible to rot because they can trap moisture, leading to fungal growth that deteriorates the wood over time.
  4. Animal or Pest Infestation – Soffits are often a point of entry for small animals and insects seeking shelter. Damage or decay in these areas can be exacerbated by animals like squirrels or birds, so any signs of disturbance might indicate an infestation.
  5. Sagging or Drooping – If the soffit or fascia begins to sag or droop, it could mean that the structural integrity is compromised. This is often a result of prolonged exposure to water or the weight from clogged gutters pulling on the fascia.

Steps To Address Damaged Soffit And Fascia

Immediate Inspection – At the first sign of damage, conduct a thorough inspection—or better yet, call a professional. Identifying the extent and the source of the damage early can prevent more extensive issues down the road. 

Clean and Maintain Gutters – Regularly cleaning your gutters to ensure they are free from debris is crucial. Blocked gutters can overflow, causing water to back up and soak into the fascia boards.

Proper Ventilation – Ensure that your attic is well-ventilated. Poor ventilation can cause heat and moisture to build up, accelerating damage to the soffit and fascia.

Professional Repairs or Replacement – Depending on the extent of the damage, professional repair or replacement may be necessary. For materials like wood, which can decay and rot, replacing damaged sections with more durable materials such as aluminum or vinyl might be a prudent long-term solution.

Regular Maintenance Checks – Schedule annual inspections with a roofing professional to keep these components in good condition. Professionals can spot potential issues early and make necessary repairs before significant damage occurs.


Maintaining the soffit and fascia of your home is essential for protecting the structural integrity of your roof and your home from moisture and pest-related damages. Homeowners should be vigilant about the signs of damage and seek professional help when necessary. By taking proactive steps to inspect, maintain, and repair these critical components, you can ensure that your home remains safe, sound, and aesthetically pleasing for years to come.

The Ledegar Roofing Advantage

For expert advice and professional maintenance services, consider reaching out to Ledegar Roofing, your local Coulee Region specialists in roofing, soffit, and fascia solutions. Contact us today to schedule an inspection or to discuss maintenance plans that can help protect your home.

Why Gutters Are Essential For Commercial Infrastructure

Why Gutters Are Essential For Commercial Infrastructure

When managing a commercial property, the integrity of every component plays a critical role in the overall health and longevity of your investment. While roofing often gets a spotlight for its importance in protecting buildings, the role of gutters is equally crucial yet sometimes overlooked. In La Crosse, Wisconsin, where weather conditions can range from heavy rainfalls in spring to snow in winter, having a reliable gutter system is indispensable for maintaining the structural integrity of commercial buildings. This blog post delves into why gutters are essential for commercial infrastructure, highlighting their critical role in directing water away from the foundation, preventing erosion, and avoiding water damage 

Protection Against Water Damage

The primary function of gutters is to collect and channel water off the roof and away from the building’s foundation. Without gutters, rainwater falls directly from the roof edge to the ground, where it can pool around the base of the building. Over time, this accumulated water can lead to several structural problems for commercial properties:

  1. Foundation Damage: Water that pools around the foundation can seep into any cracks or gaps in the concrete, expanding and contracting as temperatures change. This cycle can cause the foundation to crack and weaken, threatening the structural stability of the entire building.
  2. Basement Flooding: For buildings with below-ground spaces, improperly channeled roof water increases the risk of basement flooding. This not only disrupts business operations but can also lead to significant repair costs associated with water damage restoration.
  3. Landscape Erosion: Water dripping constantly from the roof can erode the soil around the building, disturbing landscaping and potentially damaging underground utilities. Erosion also creates an uneven foundation bed, which can contribute to foundation instability.

Preventing Siding And Exterior Damage

Gutters also protect the siding, windows, and doors of commercial buildings by preventing water from splashing dirt and debris against these surfaces. Over time, this splash-back can stain siding and accelerate the wear and tear on both windows and doors, leading to costly maintenance and replacements. Well-maintained gutters reduce these risks by ensuring that water flows directly into the gutter channel and down the downspouts without cascading over the sides.

Reducing Maintenance Costs

Installing and maintaining gutters may seem like an additional expense, but they are a cost-effective solution compared to the potential expenses associated with water damage. Gutters help keep commercial properties dry and free from water-related damages, reducing the frequency and cost of maintenance required over the building’s lifetime. This is particularly important for commercial property owners in La Crosse, WI, who need to prepare their buildings to handle the melting snow and ice in late winter and early spring, as well as sudden heavy rainfalls during other seasons.

Enhancing Building Longevity And Aesthetics

Beyond functionality, gutters also contribute to the overall aesthetic and operational longevity of commercial buildings. They help maintain the appearance of the building exterior by preventing unsightly water stains and damage. Additionally, modern gutter systems can be customized to complement the building’s design, enhancing its curb appeal—a significant factor in maintaining property value.

Compliance And Sustainability

Adhering to local building codes and regulations is another reason gutters are vital for commercial properties. Many areas require proper water disposal systems, including gutters, to prevent water damage to both the building in question and neighboring properties. Moreover, gutters support sustainability efforts by managing and directing water flow, which can be utilized for landscaping and other non-potable water uses, reducing the overall environmental impact. 


Gutters play an indispensable role in protecting commercial buildings from a variety of issues that can compromise their structural integrity and operational efficiency. For business owners in La Crosse, investing in high-quality gutter systems and ensuring their regular maintenance is not just a good practice—it’s an essential component of responsible property management. By doing so, they protect their investment, enhance the building’s functionality and aesthetics, and contribute to a safer and more sustainable operating environment.

The Ledegar Roofing Advantage

At Ledegar Roofing, we understand the critical importance of gutters for commercial infrastructure. We offer expert installation and maintenance services to ensure that your gutters are always performing at their best, protecting your property year-round. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you keep your commercial property in top condition.

The Essential Role Of Chimneys, Downspouts, Soffit, And Fascia In Maintaining Roof Health

The Essential Role Of Chimneys, Downspouts, Soffit, And Fascia In Maintaining Roof Health

When it comes to maintaining the integrity and functionality of your roof, some components do more than meets the eye. In La Crosse, Wisconsin, where the weather can shift in an instant, the importance of a roof’s auxiliary structures—chimneys, downspouts, soffit, and fascia—cannot be overstated. Each plays a vital role in protecting and prolonging the life of both commercial and residential roofing systems. Understanding their functions and ensuring they are well maintained can prevent costly repairs and extend the lifespan of your roof.

Chimneys: Ventilation And Structural Integrity

Chimneys are often associated solely with their role in venting smoke from a fireplace or furnace. However, their impact on a roof’s health goes beyond simple ventilation. A well-maintained chimney ensures that moisture and gases safely exit your home, preventing buildup that can lead to interior water damage and deterioration of roofing materials. The sealing around the chimney, known as flashing, is critical too. It must be kept in good repair to prevent water from seeping into the layers of the roof, which can cause leaks and structural damage over time.

To maintain good chimney health, it’s essential to schedule regular inspections, particularly after a heavy storm season or when visible signs of wear appear, such as cracked mortar or rusting on metal chimneys. These checks can identify issues before they escalate, saving homeowners significant repair costs.

Downspouts: Managing Water Flow

Downspouts are a crucial component of a roof’s drainage system. They direct water away from the foundation of your home, preventing potential basement flooding, foundation damage, and soil erosion around the property. Properly functioning downspouts ensure that water from heavy rains or melting snow is effectively channeled away from the building.

For optimal performance, downspouts should be regularly cleared of debris such as leaves, twigs, and sediment. Blocked downspouts can lead to water backing up, causing overflow that may penetrate the roof structure and siding, leading to moisture-related issues such as mold and rot.

Soffit: Ventilation And Protection

The soffit is the exposed surface beneath the overhanging section of a roof eave. While often overlooked, soffits play a crucial role in attic ventilation. Properly ventilated soffits allow for a consistent airflow between the roof and attic to help regulate temperature and moisture levels. This ventilation helps prevent the buildup of heat in the summer, which can warp or damage shingles and roof decking, and reduces moisture accumulation in the winter, thereby preventing condensation and related problems like mold and wood rot.

Soffit inspections can reveal pest invasions or blockages that compromise their functionality. Maintaining clean and unobstructed soffits is key to ensuring effective attic ventilation and protecting the overall health of your roof.

Fascia: Aesthetic And Structural Roles

Fascia boards run along the edge of the roof and are mounted at the points where the roof meets the outer walls of the house. This architectural element not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of a home but also supports the lower edge of the bottom row of tiles and all guttering. Fascia boards must be sturdy and in good condition to support heavy gutters filled with rainwater and debris.

Deteriorating fascia can not only detract from a home’s appearance but also weaken the structural integrity of the roof. Regular inspections can catch early signs of damage such as cracks, rot, or detachment from the roofline, which are essential to address promptly to maintain the health and functionality of the entire roofing system.


The chimneys, downspouts, soffit, and fascia of your roof do more than just complete the look of your home. They are integral components that contribute to the overall health and longevity of your roofing system. Homeowners in the Coulee Region, can benefit greatly from understanding these elements’ roles and ensuring they are well-maintained through regular inspections and prompt repairs.

Ledegar Roofing Is Here To Help

At Ledegar Roofing, we’re all about helping you make the best choices for your home’s chimneys, downspouts, soffit, and fascia. From picking the perfect materials to getting the job done right, we’re here to help every step of the way.

Remember, the key to prolonging the life of your roof and preventing potential disasters is not just in repairing damage but in regular, proactive maintenance. By taking care of these critical aspects, you ensure that your roof continues to protect your home efficiently for years to come. Contact Us or Request A Free Inspection today.

The Importance Of Siding For Commercial Properties

The Importance Of Siding For Commercial Properties

Siding on commercial properties does much more than just add to the aesthetic appeal; it plays a crucial role in protecting the structure, enhancing the building’s appearance, and even influencing its value. For business owners in the Coulee Region, understanding the multifaceted benefits of well-chosen and well-maintained siding can make a significant difference in their commercial ventures.

Protective Qualities Of Siding

The primary function of siding is to protect the building from external elements. High-quality siding materials can shield a property from the harsh Wisconsin weather, including heavy snow, rain, and the damaging effects of sun and wind. These materials prevent moisture penetration that can lead to costly problems like mold growth, wood rot, and structural damage. Additionally, siding contributes to thermal efficiency by adding an extra layer of insulation, which helps in maintaining consistent indoor temperatures and reducing energy costs.

Different siding materials offer varying levels of durability and resistance to environmental factors. For example, metal siding is highly resistant to decay and pests, while vinyl siding offers excellent moisture resistance and durability at a more affordable price point. Choosing the right siding material based on the local climate and specific building needs is crucial for maximizing protection and minimizing long-term maintenance costs.

Aesthetic Impact Of Siding

Siding is one of the first things noticed about a building, significantly impacting first impressions. The condition, color, and style of siding can convey a message about the business’s professionalism and attention to detail. For retail businesses, attractive siding can enhance curb appeal, draw in customers, and even align with the brand’s image. In more industrial or office settings, siding that blends well with professional environments can project a strong, dependable company image.

In La Crosse, where historical and cultural aesthetics can play a part in the architectural landscape, siding choices can also reflect respect for community standards and pride in local heritage. Modern siding options offer a vast array of colors, textures, and finishes, allowing business owners to customize the look of their commercial properties while still benefiting from technological advancements in siding materials.

Impact on Property Value

Well-maintained and aesthetically pleasing siding can significantly enhance a commercial property’s market value. It contributes to a building’s overall ‘health’ by protecting against structural issues that could lead to costly repairs, which is a major plus for potential investors or buyers. Additionally, modern siding materials that offer enhanced insulation properties can be a selling point by promising lower utility costs.

The investment in high-quality siding can yield a high return not only through direct property value increases but also through reduced maintenance costs. Siding that resists weathering, fading, and physical damage can maintain its good looks and functionality for years, making it a cost-effective choice for savvy business owners.


The siding of a commercial property is not merely an aesthetic choice but a critical component of the building’s structural integrity, energy efficiency, and overall market appeal. Investing in high-quality siding is investing in the business itself—protecting assets, enhancing aesthetic appeal, and increasing property value. Business owners should consider their siding options carefully, taking into account both the immediate benefits and the long-term impact on their commercial property.

The Ledegar Roofing Advantage

At Ledegar Roofing, we’re here to help find the perfect balance of function and appearance of your business’ siding, so you can ensure your building stands out positively in a competitive market. Our team of experts is equipped to provide best-in-class service, thorough inspections, and any necessary repairs your business’ siding may need. Contact Us or Request A Free Inspection today.