Should You Cover Roof Turbines In The Winter? Unraveling The Why Behind This Common Question

Should You Cover Roof Turbines In The Winter? Unraveling The Why Behind This Common Question

When winter sets in across La Crosse, Wisconsin, homeowners often grapple with how to best prepare their homes for the cold months. One common question we encounter at Ledegar Roofing is: “Should roof turbines be covered in the winter?” The answer isn’t a straightforward ‘yes’ or ‘no’ – it involves understanding the function of roof turbines and how they interact with winter conditions.

Understanding Roof Turbines

Roof turbines, also known as turbine vents, are designed to provide active ventilation in your attic. They work by expelling warm air from the attic, which is then replaced by cooler air from outside. This process is vital for regulating temperature and moisture levels within your attic space.

To Cover or Not to Cover?

The Case Against Covering

  1. Moisture Control: During winter, the air inside your home is typically warmer and more humid than the cold, dry air outside. If this moist air is trapped in your attic, it can condense on the underside of the roof, leading to potential issues like mold growth and wood rot. Turbine vents help to expel this moist air.
  2. Temperature Regulation: While it might seem counterintuitive, keeping your attic cool in winter is beneficial. It helps prevent the melting of snow on your roof, which can lead to ice dams – thick ridges of solid ice that build up along the eaves.
  3. Roof Longevity: Proper ventilation year-round is crucial for the longevity of your roof. It prevents the overheating of shingles and reduces the risk of thermal shock.

The Case for Covering

In some scenarios, covering roof turbines might be considered:

  1. Severe Weather Conditions: In areas with extreme snowfall, covering turbine vents can prevent snow from entering the attic. However, this is typically only necessary in regions with severe and persistent snowstorms.
  2. Wildlife Intrusion: Covering roof turbines might be a temporary solution to prevent wildlife from entering the attic during the winter.

The Verdict

For most homes in La Crosse, Wisconsin, it is generally advisable not to cover roof turbines in the winter. The benefits of continuous ventilation usually outweigh the potential risks of leaving them uncovered. However, every home is unique, and certain specific conditions might warrant a different approach.

Professional Insight For Your Home

If you’re unsure about the best course of action for your home, consult with roofing professionals. At Ledegar Roofing, we offer expert advice tailored to your home’s specific needs. Our team can assess your attic and roofing system to provide personalized recommendations.

In essence, the decision to cover roof turbines in the winter should be based on an understanding of your home’s specific requirements and local weather patterns. As a rule of thumb, maintaining adequate ventilation in your attic is crucial, even during the cold months.

For more information or to schedule a consultation, reach out to Ledegar Roofing at 608-785-0901 or visit Trust our expertise to guide you through your winter roofing decisions, ensuring your home is well-prepared for whatever the season brings.

What Types Of Roof Repairs Can Be Made During The Winter?

What Types Of Roof Repairs Can Be Made During The Winter?

Navigating Winter Roofing Challenges In La Crosse, Wisconsin

As the winter chill sets in over La Crosse, Wisconsin, many homeowners wonder if their roofing issues can be addressed in these colder months. At Ledegar Roofing, we understand that roof problems don’t always wait for the convenience of warmer weather. While winter roofing repairs come with their unique challenges, several types of repairs are not just feasible but sometimes necessary during this season. Let’s explore what roofing repairs can be safely and effectively conducted during the winter months.

Understanding Winter Roofing Repairs

Winter conditions in La Crosse often include snow, ice, and freezing temperatures. These factors can make roofing work more challenging and sometimes risky. However, with the right techniques, materials, and safety measures, certain types of repairs are entirely achievable.

Feasible Winter Roof Repairs

Leak Repairs

Leaks can be particularly problematic in winter, as water from melting snow can penetrate your home. The source of leaks, often around chimneys, vents, and flashing, can usually be repaired in winter, assuming the roof is safely accessible and free from ice and snow.

Shingle Replacement

Asphalt shingles can become brittle and hard to work with in cold temperatures. However, experienced roofing professionals like those at Ledegar Roofing can replace damaged or missing shingles during winter, using techniques that minimize the risk of cracking.

Flat Roof Repairs

Flat roofs, commonly found on commercial buildings, can be repaired during winter. Materials like PVC or TPO (thermoplastic polyolefin) are generally more flexible and easier to work with in colder temperatures compared to traditional shingles.

Ice Dam Removal

Ice dams can cause significant damage to roofs and gutters. Professional roofers can safely remove ice dams, using steam or other methods that don’t damage the roofing materials.

Emergency Repairs

Situations like a tree falling on a roof or severe storm damage require immediate attention, regardless of the season. In such cases, emergency repairs are not only possible but necessary to protect your home from further damage.

Considerations For Winter Roofing

Safety First

Safety is a paramount concern in winter roofing. Icy conditions and cold weather add extra risks, which is why it’s essential to rely on professional roofers who understand how to navigate these challenges safely.

Material Handling

Certain roofing materials behave differently in lower temperatures. Professional roofers have the knowledge and experience to select suitable materials and adjust their techniques accordingly.

Weather Window

Repairs often require a window of relatively mild weather. Experienced roofing contractors will closely monitor the weather forecast to choose the best possible time for repairs.

Insulation And Ventilation Assessment

Winter is an excellent time for roofers to assess and address issues with attic insulation and ventilation, which are crucial for preventing heat loss and ice dam formation.

Why Trust Ledegar Roofing For Winter Repairs?

At Ledegar Roofing, we combine our extensive experience with the latest in roofing technology to ensure safe and effective repairs, no matter the season. Our team is trained to handle the unique demands of winter roofing, ensuring that your repairs are completed with the utmost care and quality.

Don’t let the cold weather in La Crosse, Wisconsin, delay necessary roof repairs. With the right approach and expertise, many roofing problems can be effectively addressed during the winter months. If you’re facing a roofing issue this winter, contact Ledegar Roofing at 608-785-0901 or visit Let us help you keep your roof in top condition, all year round.

Winter Roof Maintenance: Essential Tips For La Crosse Homeowners

Winter Roof Maintenance: Essential Tips For La Crosse Homeowners

In La Crosse, Wisconsin, where winter paints the landscape with its snowy brush, the roofs that shelter us bear the brunt of this seasonal beauty. As picturesque as it may be, winter brings with it unique challenges for homeowners, particularly when it comes to roof maintenance. We’re here to guide you through the essentials of winter roof maintenance, ensuring your home remains a safe haven even in the coldest months.

Understanding The Winter Roofing Challenge

Winter in La Crosse is not just about the tranquil sight of snowflakes settling on rooftops. It brings freezing temperatures, ice, and snow accumulation, all of which can cause significant wear and tear on your roof. From ice dam formation to the weight of snow accumulation, your roof needs special attention during these months to maintain its integrity and functionality.

The Importance Of Winter Roof Maintenance

  1. Preventing Ice Dams: Ice dams occur when heat from the attic melts the snow on your roof, causing water to trickle down and refreeze at the roof’s edge. This ice build-up can create dams, preventing proper drainage and potentially leading to water seepage into your home.
  2. Weight Management: The weight of snow accumulation can stress your roof, especially if it’s older or has structural vulnerabilities.
  3. Detecting and Fixing Leaks: Winter is a critical time to spot and address leaks. Snow and ice can make leaks worse, leading to more significant damage.
  4. Ensuring Longevity: Regular winter maintenance helps extend the life of your roof by preventing long-term damage caused by harsh winter conditions.

Tips For Effective Winter Roof Maintenance

  1. Inspect Before Snowfall

The best time to start your winter roof maintenance is before the first snowfall. Inspect your roof for missing or damaged shingles, cracks, and other signs of wear and tear. Look for signs of sagging or structural issues that could be exacerbated by the weight of snow.

  1. Clean the Gutters

Ensure your gutters are clean and free of debris. Clogged gutters can contribute to ice dam formation and lead to water backing up under the shingles.

  1. Trim Overhanging Branches

Trimming branches that hang over your roof can prevent them from breaking under the weight of snow and ice, thus protecting your roof from damage.

  1. Check Insulation and Ventilation

Proper insulation and ventilation in your attic can prevent heat from escaping through your roof, thereby reducing the chances of ice dam formation.

  1. Install Snow Guards

For sloped roofs, consider installing snow guards. These devices help prevent the sudden sliding of snow and ice, protecting your gutters and anything below your roof.

  1. Monitor Snow Accumulation

Keep an eye on the amount of snow on your roof. While roofs are designed to handle some snow, excessive accumulation can be a concern. Consider hiring a professional like those here at Ledegar Roofing to remove snow from your roof if it appears to be too much.

  1. Look for Ice Accumulation

Regularly check for ice build-up, especially in the gutters and at the roof’s edge. If you notice significant ice dam formation, it’s best to call in professionals like Ledegar Roofing for safe and effective removal.

  1. Conduct Regular Checks Post-Storm

After every storm or heavy snowfall, do a visual inspection of your roof (from the ground, for safety) or consider having a professional do a more thorough check.

  1. Repair Leaks Promptly

If you spot any leaks, address them immediately. In winter, even minor leaks can quickly escalate into major problems.

  1. Seek Professional Help

For any concerns that you cannot address yourself, call Ledegar Roofing. Winter roofing issues can be complex, and DIY fixes may not be sufficient or safe.

The Ledegar Roofing Advantage

At Ledegar Roofing, we bring expertise, experience, and the latest tools and technology to ensure your roof is well-maintained and prepared for the winter season. Our team can conduct thorough inspections, make necessary repairs, and provide expert advice on keeping your roof in top condition.

Winter roof maintenance is crucial for the longevity of your roof and the safety of your home. By following these tips and staying proactive, you can mitigate the risks posed by La Crosse’s harsh winter conditions. Remember, your roof is as vital as any part of your home, and keeping it well-maintained is key to a cozy and safe winter season.

For expert roofing services in La Crosse, Wisconsin, trust Ledegar Roofing. Contact us at 608-785-0901 or visit for more information. Let us help you keep your roof strong and secure, all winter long.

Understanding The Impact Of Snow And Ice On Your Home’s Siding

Understanding The Impact Of Snow And Ice On Your Home’s Siding

A Comprehensive Guide By Ledegar Roofing, La Crosse, Wisconsin

In the picturesque winter landscape of La Crosse, Wisconsin, snow and ice are common companions. While they bring a certain charm to the season, they can also pose significant challenges to your home, particularly to your siding. At Ledegar Roofing, we understand the crucial role siding plays in protecting and preserving your home. This guide is designed to help homeowners understand the impact of snow and ice on their siding and how to mitigate potential damage.

The Effects of Winter Weather On Home Siding

Moisture Damage

The most evident threat from snow and ice is moisture. When snow accumulates against your siding and begins to melt, it can seep into cracks or seams. Over time, this moisture can lead to rot, mold, or mildew, especially in wood siding.

Freeze And Thaw Cycles

The freeze-thaw cycle can be particularly destructive. As water from melted snow refreezes, it expands. This expansion can exacerbate existing cracks or gaps in your siding, leading to further structural damage.

Physical Impact

Heavy ice can physically damage your siding. Ice accumulation can lead to warping or cracking, especially in older or more brittle materials.

Salt Damage

In areas where salt is used to melt snow and ice, your siding can be exposed to salt spray, which can corrode certain materials over time.

Protective Measures For Your Home Siding

Regular Inspection And Maintenance

Inspect your siding regularly for cracks, gaps, or signs of moisture damage. Addressing these issues promptly can prevent more extensive damage.

Efficient Snow Removal

Keep the area around your home clear of snow accumulation. Gently remove snow from siding surfaces using a soft brush to prevent moisture buildup.

Proper Installation And Repairs

Ensure your siding is properly installed and maintained. Professional installation and timely repairs are key to preventing moisture infiltration.

Choose Durable Materials

If you’re considering new siding, opt for durable materials like vinyl, metal, or specially treated wood that can withstand the harsh winter elements.

Apply Protective Sealants

For certain types of siding, applying a waterproof sealant can provide an extra layer of protection against moisture.

Mind The Gutters

Ensure your gutters are clean and functioning correctly. Clogged or malfunctioning gutters can contribute to ice buildup and water spilling onto your siding.

Why Consult With Home Siding Experts Like Ledegar Roofing?

Navigating the intricacies of siding maintenance in winter conditions can be challenging. Consulting with experts like Ledegar Roofing ensures you receive professional advice tailored to your specific needs and siding type. Our team is equipped with the knowledge and tools to assess, repair, and advise on the best practices for maintaining your home’s siding in winter.

Your home’s siding is its first line of defense against the elements. Understanding how snow and ice can impact your siding and taking proactive steps can ensure your home remains protected, warm, and visually appealing throughout the winter season.

For expert siding installation, maintenance, repair, or consultation, reach out to Ledegar Roofing. We’re dedicated to helping La Crosse homeowners keep their homes in top condition, no matter the weather. Contact us at 608-785-0901 or visit Let’s tackle winter’s challenges together, ensuring your home stays safe and sound.


Tips To Reduce Home Energy Use In The Winter

Tips To Reduce Home Energy Use In The Winter

A Sustainable Approach by Ledegar Roofing, La Crosse, Wisconsin

As the crisp air of winter descends upon La Crosse, Wisconsin and the Coulee Region, homes across the region brace for the chilly months ahead. With heating systems working overtime, energy bills can skyrocket, causing a significant strain on household budgets and the environment. However, with some strategic measures, you can significantly reduce your home’s energy use during winter. At Ledegar Roofing, we believe in empowering homeowners with practical, eco-friendly solutions. Here’s a guide to help you enhance your home’s energy efficiency this winter.

Optimize Your Insulation

Insulation is a key player in retaining heat. Check your attic, walls, and basements to ensure they are properly insulated. Consider adding extra insulation where necessary to prevent heat loss. This not only keeps your home warmer but reduces the workload on your heating system.

Seal Drafts And Leaks

Small drafts and leaks can lead to significant heat loss. Inspect windows and doors for any gaps and use weather stripping or caulking to seal them. Pay special attention to areas where pipes and wires enter the house, as these are common sites for unnoticed drafts.

Upgrade Your Roofing

Your roof is a critical factor in your home’s energy efficiency. Consider upgrading to energy-efficient roofing materials that reflect more sunlight and absorb less heat. Green roofing options, such as cool roofs, can be particularly effective in reducing energy consumption.

Smart Thermostat Use

Installing a programmable thermostat can lead to substantial savings. Set it to lower the temperature during the night or when the house is unoccupied. Even a small adjustment can make a noticeable difference in your energy bills.

Efficient Heating System Maintenance

Ensure your heating system is in top shape. Regular maintenance and cleaning of filters can improve efficiency and longevity. If your system is outdated, consider investing in a more energy-efficient model.

Utilize Passive Solar Heat

Take advantage of natural sunlight. Open curtains on south-facing windows during the day to allow sunlight to naturally heat your home and close them at night to retain the warmth.

Invest In Energy-Efficient Windows

Consider replacing old windows with double or triple-pane, energy-efficient windows. These windows provide better insulation, keeping the heat in and the cold out.

Mind Your Water Heating

Water heating can account for a significant portion of your energy costs. Lower the temperature on your water heater to a comfortable yet efficient level. Insulating your water heater and hot water pipes can also prevent heat loss.

Embrace LED Lighting

Switch to LED lights for your holiday decorations and general home use. LEDs are more energy-efficient and have a longer lifespan than traditional bulbs.

Dress For The Season

Finally, dress warmly and consider using blankets or extra layers before turning up the thermostat. This simple change can lead to less reliance on your heating system and lower energy bills.

Reducing your home’s energy use in the winter is not just beneficial for your wallet; it’s a step towards a more sustainable lifestyle. These tips, ranging from insulation to smart heating practices, can make a significant impact.

At Ledegar Roofing, we are committed to helping homeowners in La Crosse, Wisconsin, make energy-efficient choices for their homes. For more information on sustainable roofing options and energy-saving solutions, contact us at 608-785-0901 or visit Let’s work together towards a warmer, more energy-efficient home this winter.