Tips To Reduce Home Energy Use In The Winter

Tips To Reduce Home Energy Use In The Winter

A Sustainable Approach by Ledegar Roofing, La Crosse, Wisconsin

As the crisp air of winter descends upon La Crosse, Wisconsin and the Coulee Region, homes across the region brace for the chilly months ahead. With heating systems working overtime, energy bills can skyrocket, causing a significant strain on household budgets and the environment. However, with some strategic measures, you can significantly reduce your home’s energy use during winter. At Ledegar Roofing, we believe in empowering homeowners with practical, eco-friendly solutions. Here’s a guide to help you enhance your home’s energy efficiency this winter.

Optimize Your Insulation

Insulation is a key player in retaining heat. Check your attic, walls, and basements to ensure they are properly insulated. Consider adding extra insulation where necessary to prevent heat loss. This not only keeps your home warmer but reduces the workload on your heating system.

Seal Drafts And Leaks

Small drafts and leaks can lead to significant heat loss. Inspect windows and doors for any gaps and use weather stripping or caulking to seal them. Pay special attention to areas where pipes and wires enter the house, as these are common sites for unnoticed drafts.

Upgrade Your Roofing

Your roof is a critical factor in your home’s energy efficiency. Consider upgrading to energy-efficient roofing materials that reflect more sunlight and absorb less heat. Green roofing options, such as cool roofs, can be particularly effective in reducing energy consumption.

Smart Thermostat Use

Installing a programmable thermostat can lead to substantial savings. Set it to lower the temperature during the night or when the house is unoccupied. Even a small adjustment can make a noticeable difference in your energy bills.

Efficient Heating System Maintenance

Ensure your heating system is in top shape. Regular maintenance and cleaning of filters can improve efficiency and longevity. If your system is outdated, consider investing in a more energy-efficient model.

Utilize Passive Solar Heat

Take advantage of natural sunlight. Open curtains on south-facing windows during the day to allow sunlight to naturally heat your home and close them at night to retain the warmth.

Invest In Energy-Efficient Windows

Consider replacing old windows with double or triple-pane, energy-efficient windows. These windows provide better insulation, keeping the heat in and the cold out.

Mind Your Water Heating

Water heating can account for a significant portion of your energy costs. Lower the temperature on your water heater to a comfortable yet efficient level. Insulating your water heater and hot water pipes can also prevent heat loss.

Embrace LED Lighting

Switch to LED lights for your holiday decorations and general home use. LEDs are more energy-efficient and have a longer lifespan than traditional bulbs.

Dress For The Season

Finally, dress warmly and consider using blankets or extra layers before turning up the thermostat. This simple change can lead to less reliance on your heating system and lower energy bills.

Reducing your home’s energy use in the winter is not just beneficial for your wallet; it’s a step towards a more sustainable lifestyle. These tips, ranging from insulation to smart heating practices, can make a significant impact.

At Ledegar Roofing, we are committed to helping homeowners in La Crosse, Wisconsin, make energy-efficient choices for their homes. For more information on sustainable roofing options and energy-saving solutions, contact us at 608-785-0901 or visit Let’s work together towards a warmer, more energy-efficient home this winter.

Seamless Gutters: Your First Defense Against La Crosse’s Snowy Season

Seamless Gutters: Your First Defense Against La Crosse’s Snowy Season

When the landscape of La Crosse, Wisconsin, is painted with the white of winter, it’s not just the beauty that captures the eye but also the silent battle that begins between nature and our homes. At the heart of this battle are the unsung heroes: the gutters. Often overlooked, gutters play a pivotal role in protecting the structural integrity of your home during the harsh winter months. At Ledegar Roofing, we recognize that knowledge is power, especially when it comes to home maintenance. This is why we’re bringing seamless gutters into the spotlight.

The Crucial Role Of Gutters In Winter

Gutters are essential for directing water and melting snow away from your home’s foundation, walls, and landscaping. Properly functioning gutters prevent water damage, mitigate soil erosion, and protect your basement from flooding. In winter, added responsibility of managing the melt and refreeze cycle that is so characteristic of Wisconsin winters. When the snow on your roof melts, it needs a clear path away from your home. If this path is blocked, water can back up, refreeze, and create ice dams, which can damage your roof, gutters, and even the interior of your home.

Standard Vs. Seamless Gutters: A Comparative Look

Traditional sectional gutters come in pieces that are joined together around the perimeter of your home. These joints are potential failure points where leaks can start, and debris can collect, causing blockages. Enter seamless gutters: these are custom-fitted to your home and crafted from a single piece of material, typically aluminum. With no joints except at the corners, seamless gutters minimize leaks and are much less likely to clog. This makes them particularly well-suited to Wisconsin’s snowy season, where the weight of snow and ice can pull sectional gutters apart.

Seamless Gutters’ Advantages In Snow And Ice

Seamless gutters are not just about preventing leaks; they’re about bearing the weight of winter. The lack of seams means there’s less chance of the gutters sagging or detaching from the house under the weight of snow and ice. They’re also easier to clean since there are no edges for debris to get caught on. This maintenance aspect is crucial when preparing for winter, as clean gutters are more effective at managing melting snow.

Maintenance Tips For Your Gutters

Even the best gutters need maintenance. Here are some tips to keep your seamless gutters in top shape:

  • Regular Cleaning: Make sure your gutters are free from leaves, twigs, and other debris that can cause blockages. In La Crosse, it’s wise to do this in late fall before the snow season starts and again in the spring.
  • Inspections: Check for any signs of wear, such as cracks or rust. Look out for areas where gutters may be pulling away from the house.
  • Guard Installation: Consider installing gutter guards to help prevent debris from entering the gutter system.
  • Safe Practices: Always use a stable ladder when inspecting or cleaning gutters, and never overreach. If in doubt, call a professional.

When To Call In The Professionals From Ledegar Roofing

While regular maintenance can be handled by homeowners, there are times when it’s best to call in the professionals:

  • Installation: Installing seamless gutters requires precision and expertise; it’s a job for experienced technicians like those at Ledegar Roofing.
  • Significant Repairs: If your gutters are damaged, especially if you notice large cracks or sections starting to detach, professional repairs are necessary.
  • Winter Preparations: Before the snow falls, have a professional assess your gutter system to ensure it’s winter-ready.
  • Post-Storm Checks: After heavy snowfall or a storm, it’s a good idea to have your gutters checked for any damage that may have occurred.


As winter approaches, and with it the certainty of snow and ice, ensuring that your home is equipped with the best defense is crucial. Seamless gutters are an investment in your home’s longevity and safety. They’re built to endure the challenges of La Crosse winters, from heavy snow to icy build-ups. With Ledegar Roofing’s expertise, your home can be prepared to face the elements head-on.

Remember, while maintenance can go a long way, the quality and installation of your gutters are just as important. Trust in the experience and knowledge of Ledegar Roofing to provide you with seamless gutter solutions that are both effective and enduring. Contact us today, and let’s make sure your home is as ready as it can be for the snowy season ahead.

Winterizing Your Roof: Your Guide For A Resilient Winter Shield

Winterizing Your Roof: Your Guide For A Resilient Winter Shield

Winter in La Crosse, Wisconsin can be a spectacle of beauty: trees are blanketed in snow, and icicles dangle artistically from rooftops. But beneath this picturesque setting, the cold months can be tough on your home, especially your roof. As the temperature dips and the first flakes start to fall, roof winterization becomes essential to ensure that your roof is ready to take on the challenge.

Ledegar Roofing has been a trusted name in the Coulee Region since 1908, with deep expertise in tackling winter challenges for roofs. Below, we’ve outlined essential steps for roof winterization, ensuring homeowners effectively shield their properties during the cold months.

Clear Out Gutters And Downspouts

Before the snow sets in, make sure your gutters are clean. Debris, like leaves and twigs, can clog gutters and downspouts. When snow melts and cannot drain properly, it can lead to ice dams, causing water to seep underneath roof shingles, potentially damaging the underlying structure.

Inspect Your Roof For Damages

Check for damaged, loose, or missing shingles. These compromised areas can be vulnerable to snow and ice buildup, leading to leaks. Also, look for rust spots on flashing or any signs of curling or buckling. If you spot any of these issues, it’s time to consider professional roof winterization services like those offered by Ledegar Roofing before winter sets in.

Check The Attic

Your attic plays a critical role in roof health during winter. Ensure proper insulation to prevent heat from escaping. This not only conserves energy but also prevents the snow on the roof from melting and refreezing, a cycle that can lead to the dreaded ice dams. Additionally, check for proper ventilation. A well-ventilated attic will help maintain a cold roof temperature, minimizing snow melting and refreezing.

Trim Overhanging Branches

Snow-laden branches can be heavy, and if they break, they could cause significant damage to your roof. Prune any branches hanging over your home to prevent potential hazards.

Invest In A Roof Rake

In areas where heavy snow is typical, like La Crosse, a roof rake can be a useful tool. It helps in removing excess snow from the roof, reducing the weight and stress on it. Want to leave this to professionals at Ledegar Roofing? Learn more here:

Secure Loose Objects

Chimneys should be fitted with caps, and loose satellite dishes or antennas should be secured. Strong winter winds can detach these objects, potentially damaging the roof.

Inspect And Repair Flashing

The flashing (those metal pieces that cover curves and corners of your roof) is crucial to keep water out. Check for rust spots, breaks, or other damages and ensure it’s sealed tightly.

Consider Heat Cables

For roofs that are especially prone to ice dams, heat cables can be installed along the edge of the roof and in gutters. These cables produce heat, preventing ice buildup.

Regular Maintenance Is Key

While these tips will help you get set for winter, regular roof checkups and maintenance throughout the year are vital. A well-maintained roof is more resilient to harsh weather conditions, ensuring longevity and durability.

In Conclusion

As winter approaches, a few proactive steps can make a world of difference in how your roof performs. This winter, don’t just dream of a white Christmas. Ensure you have a warm, safe, and leak-free one by prepping your roof for the season’s challenges.

And remember, while personal inspections are useful, there’s no substitute for a professional’s touch. At Ledegar Roofing, we have over a century’s worth of experience in the field. Whether you’re looking for an inspection, repair, or complete winterization services, we’re here to serve you. Protecting homes is not just our profession; it’s our passion. Let us help you ensure that every snowflake that kisses your rooftop this winter does no harm.

Is your roof ready for winter? Contact Ledegar Roofing to schedule a consultation today!

Why Roofs Need Ventilation & How To Assess Yours

Why Roofs Need Ventilation & How To Assess Yours

When you think of your home’s roof, what comes to mind? Shingles, eaves, maybe even gutters? However, one of the most essential aspects of a healthy roofing system often goes unnoticed: ventilation. At Ledegar Roofing in La Crosse, Wisconsin, we’ve safeguarded homes since 1908, and we know the paramount importance of roof ventilation. Let’s dive into why ventilation is crucial and how to determine if your home needs a ventilation upgrade.

The Science Behind Roof Ventilation

Ventilation, simply put, is about ensuring a steady flow of air in and out of your attic. This system comprises intake vents (usually at the roof’s edge or eaves) and exhaust vents (often at or near the peak of the roof). The idea is to maintain a balance, ensuring that the volume of air intake equals the air being exhausted.

Why Is Roof Ventilation So Crucial?

  • Regulating Temperatures: During hot summers, an unventilated or poorly ventilated attic can reach temperatures up to 150°F. This extreme heat can damage your roof shingles from the inside out. Ventilation helps in dispersing this heat, thereby prolonging the life of your roof.
  • Preventing Moisture Build-up: In colder months, heat from your home can rise, meeting the cold roof and creating condensation. Over time, this moisture can cause rot in the roof decking and rafters, damaging insulation and even leading to mold and mildew.
  • Energy Efficiency: A well-ventilated roof helps maintain a more consistent indoor temperature, reducing the strain on your HVAC system and saving on energy bills.
  • Preventing Ice Dams: Proper ventilation ensures that the roof remains cold, reducing the chances of snow melting and refreezing at the eaves, which can lead to ice dams. These can cause considerable damage to roofs, gutters, and even interior home walls.

Is Your Roof Gasping For Air? Signs Of Inadequate Ventilation

  • Hot and Cold Spots: If some rooms in your house are notably warmer or colder than others, it might indicate that your roof isn’t ventilating air properly, causing uneven temperature distribution.
  • Icicles and Ice Dams: While icicles can be a picturesque winter sight, they’re also a red flag. As mentioned, ice dams can form due to poor ventilation and can cause significant damage.
  • Mold and Mildew: A musty smell in your attic is a clear indicator of moisture build-up, often resulting from inadequate ventilation.
  • Peeling Paint: If the paint on the exterior of your home or on the ceiling of your interior starts peeling or blistering, trapped moisture due to poor ventilation could be the culprit.
  • A Spike in Energy Bills: An unexpected rise in your heating or cooling costs might indicate that your HVAC system is working overtime due to improper roof ventilation.

Assessing Your Roof’s Ventilation Needs

  • Inspect Your Attic: Take a flashlight and look for signs of moisture, mold, or any rotten or warped wood.
  • Examine Roof Vents: Ensure that vents aren’t blocked by debris, nests, or insulation.
  • Check for Proper Sealing: All penetrations in the roof, such as fans or plumbing stacks, should be adequately sealed.
  • Look at Your Eaves: Ensure that your soffit vents (vents located in the eaves) are not obscured by insulation. These vents play a crucial role in drawing in cold air.
  • Consult with Professionals: While a personal inspection can provide insights, nothing replaces the expertise of a professional. Companies like Ledegar Roofing have the experience and tools to assess your roof’s ventilation accurately.

In Conclusion

Your roof does more than just shield your home from the elements; it breathes, regulates temperature, and prevents moisture build-up. This is why proper roof ventilation is not just recommended; it’s essential. And with the changing climate and the extreme weather conditions we face in the Coulee Region, it becomes all the more crucial.

If you suspect your home’s roof ventilation might be lacking or just want to ensure it’s up to par, contact Ledegar Roofing. Our legacy is built on quality, trust, and ensuring your home is safe and efficient, top to bottom, inside and out.

Pre-Winter Roof Inspections: A Stitch In Time With Ledegar Roofing

Pre-Winter Roof Inspections: A Stitch In Time With Ledegar Roofing

The crisp air, golden leaves, and shorter days signal that winter is just around the corner. While many in La Crosse, Wisconsin, prepare for the upcoming holiday season, there’s a crucial task homeowners shouldn’t overlook: a pre-winter roof inspection. At Ledegar Roofing, we can’t stress enough the importance of getting your roof inspected before the snow blankets your home. Here’s why and what you can expect with a pre-winter roof inspection.

The Importance of a Pre-Winter Roof Inspection

Avoiding Costly Repairs

Small issues, if overlooked, can escalate into significant damage during winter. For instance, minor leaks can become major problems when ice dams form. A fall inspection identifies and rectifies these issues, saving you from exorbitant repair costs.

Extending Your Roof’s Lifespan

Routine inspections ensure minor damages are caught and repaired early, prolonging your roof’s overall lifespan. This preventive measure can save you the cost and hassle of premature roof replacement.

Ensuring Home Insulation

Wisconsin winters are chilly. Any gaps, missing shingles, or minor leaks can jeopardize your home’s insulation. An inspection ensures that your roof is airtight, keeping your home cozy and your heating bills down.

Preventing Interior Damage

Leaks unnoticed in the fall can lead to water damage in your home during winter. This can affect your ceilings, walls, and even the foundation. An inspection safeguards your interiors from such potential damages.

Peace of Mind

Knowing your roof is prepared to withstand winter’s rigors offers invaluable peace of mind. You can enjoy the snowfall without fretting about potential roof damages.

What to Expect During an Inspection with Ledegar Roofing

Comprehensive Roof Examination

Our expert team will check for damaged or missing shingles, signs of leaks, and examine flashings around chimneys and vents. We’ll also check the state of your gutters to ensure they’re prepared for snow and ice.

Interior Inspection

Sometimes, roof problems manifest inside. Our team will inspect your attic for proper insulation, ventilation, and signs of moisture or mold.

Detailed Report

Post-inspection, we provide a comprehensive report detailing our findings. This includes potential problem areas, photographs, and recommended solutions.

Expert Consultation

We believe in empowering homeowners with information. Our team will discuss the findings with you, offering recommendations and answering any queries you might have.

Prompt Repairs

If our inspection unveils issues that need addressing, our adept team is prepared to undertake repairs promptly. We understand the importance of timeliness, especially with winter approaching.

Get Your Pre-Winter Roof Inspection Today!

As the adage goes, “A stitch in time saves nine.” Nowhere is this more relevant than with roof maintenance. A preemptive roof inspection in the fall can save homeowners in La Crosse, Wisconsin, a plethora of problems, costs, and headaches during winter.

At Ledegar Roofing, we’ve seen firsthand the difference regular inspections make. Let our experienced team ensure your roof is winter-ready, providing your home the protection it deserves.

Ready to winter-proof your home? Visit our website or give us a call at 608-785-0901 to learn more and schedule your FREE, no-obligation roof inspection. Let’s face the winter with confidence, knowing your roof is in its best shape.

Give Your Home A Facelift: Siding Replacement With Ledegar Roofing

Give Your Home A Facelift: Siding Replacement With Ledegar Roofing

When it comes to home renovations, roofing often steals the spotlight, given its prominence and protective role. However, siding – a home’s protective shield and aesthetic curtain – plays a paramount role in preserving the home’s value and appearance. At Ledegar Roofing, based in La Crosse, Wisconsin, we know that your home is more than just a structure; it’s a reflection of your personal style and a protective haven for your loved ones.

If you’ve been considering replacing your siding after a storm or just yearning for a fresh home look, you’re in the right place. Here’s how Ledegar Roofing can turn your siding vision into reality.

Signs Your Siding Needs a Replacement

Before we delve into how we can assist, it’s essential to identify when your siding needs a replacement:

  • Visible Damage: Cracks, holes, or bulges are clear indications that your siding has seen better days.
  • Frequent Repainting: If you find yourself repainting your house more often than usual, it could be a sign that your siding is deteriorating.
  • Water Damage: Peeling paint or loose wallpaper inside your home might be a result of faulty siding.
  • Higher Energy Bills: If your heating or cooling costs have suddenly spiked, compromised siding could be the culprit.

Why Choose Ledegar Roofing for Siding Replacement?

Expert Consultation

Your home’s exterior tells a story. Perhaps it’s a tale of historic charm, contemporary elegance, or rustic allure. Whatever the narrative, our team at Ledegar Roofing starts the siding replacement process with a thorough consultation. We understand your aesthetic preferences, evaluate your home’s architecture, and recommend siding materials and colors that complement your vision.

Comprehensive Damage Assessment

Especially after a storm, it’s crucial to ascertain the extent of damage. Our team will conduct a meticulous inspection, ensuring no underlying issues are missed. This assessment not only aids in determining the siding replacement’s scope but also helps in addressing potential structural concerns.

Quality Materials

From vinyl and wood to metal and fiber cement, the choices for siding materials are vast. At Ledegar Roofing, we believe in using only the highest quality materials, ensuring longevity, optimal protection, and aesthetic appeal. We’ll guide you through the pros and cons of each, making sure you make an informed decision that suits your home and budget.

Precision Installation

A siding material’s quality can only truly shine if installed correctly. Our team of skilled professionals boasts years of experience and profound expertise, ensuring your siding is installed with precision. This attention to detail guarantees optimal performance, weather resistance, and a flawless finish.

Post-Installation Care

Our relationship doesn’t end post-installation. We’re committed to ensuring you’re satisfied with the results and are always on hand for any post-installation care or queries.

The Benefits of New Siding

Enhanced Curb Appeal

A fresh set of siding can drastically transform the look of your home, making it stand out in the neighborhood. Whether you’re looking to sell or just want to come home to a beautiful abode every day, new siding is the way to go.

Improved Energy Efficiency

Quality siding acts as an insulation layer for your home, keeping it warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer. This not only makes your home more comfortable but also translates into significant savings on energy bills.

Increased Home Value

A well-maintained exterior, particularly with quality siding, can significantly boost your home’s market value. It’s an investment that pays off, whether you’re looking to sell soon or maintain your property’s value for the future.

Protection Against Elements

From fierce storms to intense sun, your siding shields your home against various elements. New siding ensures optimal protection, keeping your home and its inhabitants safe.

Ready For A Siding Replacement?

Your home deserves the best, and at Ledegar Roofing, we’re committed to delivering just that. Whether you’re recovering from storm damage or just craving a fresh facelift for your home, our team is ready to transform your home’s exterior into a thing of beauty.

Ready to give your home the makeover it deserves? To learn more about our siding replacement services or to request a FREE inspection, call us at 608-785-0901. Let’s craft a beautiful story for your home, together.